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August 07, 2007


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A beautifully tantalizing entry, Simona! Thank you very much for participating. This event wouldn't be complete without a trip to Italy.

Simona Carini

Thanks Susan! It was fun to write the post and also fun to watch the movie again. The only side effect was a great desire to be in Venice again.


Just yesterday I had placed this movie on my NetFlix queue and now I am so tantalized by your post that I'm putting it at the top of the list! :)

Simona Carini

I hope you get it soon, Christine, and then we can talk about your impressions.


That panino looks so yummy. I loved the movie Bread and Tulips, as well. It was so charming -- and how wonderful to see, as you mentioned, the "not on the Grand Canal" lives of people living in that great city.

The Food in Film event looks fun; glad I know about it now, so I can join in!

Simona Carini

Thanks Lisa. I am glad you liked the movie as well and I am glad that you now know of the event so you can join the fun. By the way, I am working on a post for your Julia Child's event and you will get it soon, hopefully.

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