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August 24, 2007


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How interesting, the names of coconut and nutmeg referring to the walnut. And the "noce di burro." Cute! I love the "little boat" expression as well.


Wonderful post. I would love to try nocino.


We just cut down the weeds beneath our walnut tree today... getting ready for the harvest!
I always keep a bowl and nutcracker on the kitchen counter for snacks, too!

Simona Carini

Hi Lisa. I just remembered that as a kid we actually used to let half walnut shells float on water as little boats.

Hi Maryann: It may be possible to buy some in the US.

Hi Katie: how wonderful that you have a walnut tree ready for harvest! I hope it has lots of walnuts on its branches.


How interesting about the nocino.


Lori Lynn at Taste With The Eyes

Simona - I really enjoy my Italian lessons with you. I just posted a dish with mussels and angel hair pasta, and I thought of you...a post on angels and angel hair?

Simona Carini

Hi Paz. I wish I could find my aunt's recipe for nocino to share on the blog.

Hi Lori Lynn. I am glad you enjoy the little Italian lessons on my blog. Thanks for the suggestion: I will certainly write about angel hair pasta in the near future.

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