If the sight, smell of thought of a certain food mi fa venire l'acquolina in bocca then, as a result ho l'acquolina in bocca (my mouth is watering). Both expressions are of widespread use in Italy. I have always found the word acquolina (which literally is is a diminutive of acqua, water) particularly charming: it dances in my mouth like a tasty morsel.
Avere l'acquolina in bocca should not be confused with acqua in bocca!, which is an injunction to keep something a secret. The idea is that if your mouth is full of water, you cannot talk. I taught my American husband to both say and act acqua in bocca! In fact, as a kid, after saying to someone acqua in bocca!, I would inflate my cheeks and purse my lips slightly, simulating a mouth full of water. I am no longer a kid, but I still get to do it with my husband and then we both burst into laughter (scoppiamo a ridere).
[This post was inspired by Valli, who used the adjective droolworthy in a comment on a post and got me thinking of Italian acquolina.]
Click on the button to hear me pronounce the Italian words mentioned in the post:
or launch the acquolina in bocca audio file [mp3].
[Depending on your set-up, the audio file will be played within the browser or by your mp3 player application. Please, contact me if you encounter any problems.]
I like the two sayings. ;-)
Posted by: Paz | August 05, 2007 at 12:05 PM
Your recipes definitely ho l'acquolina in bocca!!!I will keep practicing my pronunciation!!!
Posted by: Valli | August 05, 2007 at 02:49 PM
Glad you like the expressions, Paz.
Hi Valli: I hope the recording will help you practice.
Posted by: Simona Carini | August 05, 2007 at 04:41 PM
e in america c'è un'espressione analoga?
Posted by: Francesca | August 06, 2007 at 06:28 AM
It's so much fun learning these phrases, Simona. Coffee next week?
Posted by: Christine | August 06, 2007 at 03:08 PM
Ciao Francesca. Qui di dice che qualcosa 'makes my mouth water' ma non e' un'espressione molto comune. E si dice che qualcosa 'is mouthwatering' ma anche questa espressione non la sento spesso. Grazie per avermi fatto conoscere Miti' Vigliero.
Hi Christine: I am glad you are having fun. Any time will be great: let's email.
Posted by: Simona | August 06, 2007 at 03:13 PM