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August 02, 2007


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Mmmm, I love cauliflower and also those pickled vegetables. I wish I knew how to make them too, I might have to research that a little!


Ever since I started cooking I've started to like cavolfiore.


Simona Carini

Thanks Kalyn: I would love to read if you find any good recipe. I should try and ask my mother, though I don't remember her ever making those pickles.
Hi Paz. I think it is better when one likes an ingredient from the beginning.


I love cauliflower - steamed, then drenched in butter... of course, anything is good drenched in butter...
I want purple cauliflower - I've never seen it in 'real life'.

Simona Carini

Hi Katie. So, no purple cauliflowers in Europe yet. I am sure they will get there. They also keep their color well, at least if roasted. Do you grow any cauliflowers in your garden?


Well, Simona, I think that photo's a good one. The purple against the ivory just points up how deep the purple is, like eggplant almost.

Have you ever used the inner leaves? They are surprisingly tender and flavorful in their own way.

Simona Carini

Hi Susan: thanks. Yes, I usually keep the inner leaves, since, as you say, they are tender.

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