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August 29, 2007


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Mom mari loves capellini - as do I. Back in another life, when I had a pasta extruding machine,I made it lots! It's sooo good fresh, sigh...
Now I buy it fresh when I see it, which is not often here in France.


Another good post, Simona! I like angel hair..nice and light. I also like Barilla pasta best out of all the commercial brands. I've been using it ever since my Aunt came back from Italy and told me that it is the brand that most Italians buy. I tried it and I liked it.

Simona Carini

Hi Katie. Fresh pasta is indeed excellent. My mother makes it, and cuts it by hand: she usually makes tagliatelle. I will write a post about this soon.

Hi Maryann, thanks. I use both De Cecco and Barilla. The latter had a TV ad that said 'Dove c'e' Barilla, c'e' casa' meaning, where there is Barilla there is home.


Ahhh! "scotti."

I like capellini. ;-)



I love this thin like pasta-doesn't seem to fill me up as quickly.I think I have done the scotti routine before!


I think that angel hair is my favorite type of pasta. There's just something about it that I love. I also use Barilla, although when I see De Cecco I usually buy it.

I remember seeing Giada de Laurentis visit the Barilla pasta plant somewhere in Italy (can't remember the city now). That was a fun show.

I love "a devil for each hair"!


Hi Simona, so I found you as well through Ilva...that was nice! Your blog is so nice and original. What a nice idea you had, congratulations! And it's real fun to read the explanations you give about our words and culture. It makes me feel a little bit at home...It's great! Nice meeting you;-)

Simona Carini

Yes, Paz, scotti.
Jann, I think it has happened to everybody.
Lisa, it was probably in Parma. I found a set of slides of the beautiful city here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/academiabarilla/sets/72157601237701544/

Hi Kendra and welcome. Likewise, it was nice meeting you.

Figs Olives Wine

What a lovely site you have here! I'm thrilled to have found it.

Simona Carini

Hi Amanda and welcome. Likewise, I am glad I have found your blog, thanks to Ilva.

Lori Lynn at Taste With The Eyes

Hi Simona - thanks for mentioning my blog! And, as always, I really appreciate the Italian lessons. I cook with capellini often, but never have made capelli d'angelo, so you are inspiring me right back...I will soon post a dish with that type of pasta.

Your post reminded me of our Italian Cheese Professor, Archangelo. He taught us how to make Stracchino.


Lori Lynn at Taste With The Eyes

Oops. I spelled his name wrong. It is ARCANGELO.

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Lori Lynn. That is quite an interesting course. Stracchino is indeed delicious. I'll talk about it soon.


Ciao Simona, grazie per la visita al nostro blog e felice di aver scoperto il tuo! Davvero interessante e ben fatto. Scusa se scrivo in italiano, ma ormai il mio inglese fa pena. Verrò a leggerti spesso. Ciao, Alex

Simona Carini

Ciao Alex, benvenuta e grazie. Non ti preoccupare, capisco benissimo, mi e' capitata la stessa cosa col mio tedesco.


Hi Simona,
I've found you, reading your comment on my blog and for which I thank you! ^-^
It's really amazing what you have created here, I really like it! It's a brilliant way to teach and learn Italian!
Food terms stays better in our mind, more than 1000 grammatical rules! :)
My husband can tell! :D

Love it ^_=
See you soon ^.^

Simona Carini

Hi Fabdo and welcome. Thanks for your kind words. I agree with you that food words are easier to remember than our native language grammar rules. See you soon!

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