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August 15, 2007


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Our wine celler/cold storage in our house in andorra was carved into the rock at the back of the garage.
I can understand the fear/love of a child for such a place. Add in the fear of critters living in such spaces... I wouldn't go alone either!

Simona Carini

That's nice, Katie: thanks for sharing your experience. A garage with a cave: very interesting.


Once again, a lovely, evocative post. And -- as for having your cake and eating it too, that is how we say it in English, exactly. I especially like the "run with the hare, hunt with the hounds" saying, probably because I was once accused of "trying to be all things to all people," which is a slightly different concept, but close!


Though American caves have always scared me, there is something quite romantic about European ones. Simona, I can vividly "see" that cask in a charming Italian village so long ago. Lovely post all around.


I think that being a bottaio must be very interesting.


Simona Carini

Thanks Lisa. That English expression is charming: it makes me think of Victorian novels with hunting scenes. I am trying to think if we have an Italian expression corresponding to "trying to be all things to all people," but I cannot find one: I'll let you know if I do.
Thanks Susan. The cave we had was indeed charming in its own way: it felt alive, breathing. I would like to visit it again and see how it feels to be there as an adult.
Hi Paz: it is a skilled job, certainly, and very interesting, making things that last a long time.

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