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July 25, 2007


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What a fun post, Simona. I'll have to use these expressions on my husband. That is when I've got the pronunciation down!


Such a nice image of you and your father walking home from the rosticceria together. I can smell the rosemary, too.

And I also love the "husband" phrase. Perfect!

Simona Carini

Thanks Christine. They are fun expressions to use.
Thanks Lisa. Rosticcerie are great places to go for lunch, especially in central Italy. I'll talk more about them in a future post.


There is something about a rotisserie chicken. I like to bring one home for an instant meal after a long day out rather than fast food.


I love reading your childhood food memories and I love these sayings -- fa ridere i polli... Conosco i miei polli ... hehe! Love it!



How do you say "I love it!" in Italian? Is there a special expression or phrase for it?


Simona Carini

I agree, Susan. A rotisserie chicken is a special treat.
Great question, Paz. The Italian expression would be something like 'mi piace molto' However, expressing appreciation is often done using more colloquial expressions, like 'mi piace un sacco' or 'troppo carino!' or, like my brother often says, 'mitico!' I'll make sure I add some of these expressions in my future recordings, so you can get a sense of how they sound.

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briciole di italiano

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