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July 28, 2007


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Anna Haight

What fascinating facts. I often make eggplant Japanese style where it is split in half and grilled with a sweet miso paste on top called 'dengaku'.


Ever since I started cooking, melanzana has become one of my favorite vegetables. I enjoyed the information you included. Thanks!



Very interesting stuff. I've recently seen the Italian white eggplant at farmers' market; must try it. I adore eggplant in general, all types. I love the tiny Japanese ones for grilling.

Simona Carini

I have to admit I have never tried the Japanese eggplants: I really should do it. Thanks Anna for suggesting dengaku.
It is indeed a funny story that of the name melanzana: I am glad you enjoyed it, Paz.
Lisa, let me know how you like those eggplants. By the way, in the current issue of Saveur there is an article about and recipe for caponata that looks quite interesting.

Sue (coffeepot)

I love this info and loled so loud about the mis-hap.

Great job!

Simona Carini

Thanks Sue. It was definitely a hard lesson to learn.


I first tried eggplant in Greek Moussaka. Since then delicious recipes are blossoming everywhere I look. Your eggplant dish sounds truly droolworthy!!

Simona Carini

Hi Valli. You just gave me a suggestion for a fun post: stay tuned and you will learn how to say droolworthy in Italian.

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