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July 02, 2007


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Grazie mille! I love to hear apron stories, likes and dislikes. Nice apron, not to talk about the view! wow! And my mother-in-law also puts on her clogs as soon as she gets home!


I love this post Simona. I have many, many aprons. All from restaurants I have liked. Guess I should put up a post.


I kinda think it's funny that your mom packed up the apron and took it back with her, when you didn't have one at home for yourself. I guess she knew you could buy your own from TJMaxx, huh? ;-)

Nice new apron! I like that it has the pockets. Your so lucky to have that ocean view. And that is a very big tree stump. Wow! Last but not least, your bread look terrific!



I really enjoyed this,touched my heart.! I can just visualize your mom in the kitchen, looking around for that apron~I usually wear one and always when cooking for guests. I like them so much, I retail them,with matching hot pads!.I am sure you have seen them in all the gourmet shops.Anyway, i like the ones that fit at the waiste and go all the way down to my ankles! Once in a while, I have difficulty getting on to your sight. I always hear a blip-blip when your sight comes up. Any clues as to what is going on?

Simona Carini

You are welcome Ilva. Interesting about your mother-in-law: does she live close to you?
Hi Christine, I do hope you put up a post: I'd like to see the restaurant aprons you have.
Paz, I like the pockets too: they are very handy. They remind me of the only aprons I wore before this, in the print shop of the San Francisco Center for the Book http://www.sfcb.org
I am very happy about my bread. We should have a bread event: no machine allowed.
Jann, you just reminded me that once I gave my mother an apron with matching pads decorated with hearts in a small heart-shaped basket. She kept the apron and insisted I take the pads, because she does not use them: I still have one of them in my kitchen now.
I am sorry about the issues with the site: what browser are you using and what exactly happens on the screen when you try to view my blog? I would like to forward the info to the support people. Thanks.


i am using windows internet explorer-I am beginning to think the bleep-bleep sound is because I am switching over to typerpad...what do you think? Other than that, things are working fne!


My God, you live in paradise! How beautiful. And I loved the story about your mother; I, too, can just picture her in her clogs and apron. I love aprons, myself. I'm always grumbling about the fact that most of the chefs on The Food Network don't wear them!

Simona Carini

Jann, do you still hear the sound now that I moved the embedded audio player to its own page?
Lisa, I wonder whether wearing aprons is considered non-telegenic. Did Julia Child wear one?
I am currently living in the place in the photo part-time, probably moving there in August.


This is really a fun post. Sorry I missed it at the time. I like your mom. I have many aprons but don't always wear one.


Thanks Tanna. In the meantime, I have acquired two more aprons and I must admit that I am wearing one quite often, though not always, just like you.

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