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June 12, 2007


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I love hearing you say the words! I wonder why your mother didn't like radishes? When I was a kid, we used to eat them just dipped in salt. I think the Italian pinzimonio sounds much more interesting. And I do think I would like a little lemon juice in mine. I am loving your blog.

Simona Carini

Good question! My mother does not like spicy foods, so she never added radishes to our daily salad. I also like the idea of lemon juice in my pinzimonio. I am glad you like hearing the Italian words: I think that both ravanello and pinzimonio have a lovely sound.


I'd like to try this with the sauce you've mentioned -- olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice... And I'd like try it with the carrots, fennel and fennel... Yum.


Simona Carini

I agree, Paz, fennel is delicious and it is perfect in pinzimonio.


I love that word! "Ravanelli." And maybe that's because I'm crazy for radishes. I love to make "pickles" out of them; not true pickles, but just marinated in vinegar, a little sugar, red pepper flakes, and salt of course.

Simona Carini

I am glad you like the word Lisa. Radishes marinated in vinegar: sounds delicious!

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