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June 08, 2007


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i better be careful when i use this expression~


Wonderful! And I love the new "listen" feature. I see why you were inspired by the post about that book (I read the book in one day and really enjoyed it, by the way). Thank you for mentioning me; I'm thrilled to have inspired this entry!

Simona Carini

Jann, I guess it is an expression that should be used with care, or something to do than to say.
Lisa, I am so glad you like the new feature. I am planning to add the audio to all the previous posts. I added the book to my 'to read' list so I am happy to learn you went through it so quickly.


I love this expression! Thanks for showing us how to pronounce it properly.

I also love The Food of Love. It in part inspired me to start cooking. One of my very first posts on my blog is about the book. ;-) I actually posted a few of the recipes from the book. Oh, and one of my highlights is when the author Anthony Capella stopped by my blog. That was fun!


Simona Carini

Thanks Paz for sharing your Food of Love-related story. I found your post about the book on your blog. It must have been quite a day when the author stopped by your blog. Now I feel like I really have to read the book.


LOL! Simona, you're quite a detective. ;-) When I moved my blog to Word Press from Blogger, I lost the comments from my old posts. That is why there are no comments. *sniff*

Yes, read the book. It's one of my favorites. I'm only sorry I didn't meet anyone like the hero to cook for me when I was in Italy. haha! ;-)

Paz (who thanks you for stopping by the blog and reading old posts)


P.S. I'd love to read your comments after you read the book. ;-)


Simona Carini

That must have been sad, to lose all your comments! I promise, I will get the book at my next visit to a bookstore and will read it right away, then will write my impressions.

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briciole di italiano

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