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June 10, 2007


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How charming, original and downright delightful this and all your other posts are. What a great, great idea. Certainly satisfies the curious cook like me.

Simona Carini

Thanks Susan. The audio part is a recent addition, so it is not yet in all the posts, but it will be there soon.


I learned about mascarpone when I first took up an interest in cooking. One of my recipes called for it. I didn't even know where to find it in the store. LOL! But I did find it eventually. I'd love to taste mascarpone made in Italy. Yes, I'll add that to my list of things to do in Italy!



There is nothing quite as tasty as the mascarpone from Italy~ and the fresher, the better. I have found a few places that sell it in the larger containers, but you are so correct;if it is imported, it really isn't that fresh. So, go to Italy and have some freshly made tiramisu-nothing better!

Simona Carini

Mascarpone is great in many recipes, besides Tiramisu. I have one for strawberry ice cream that uses mascarpone instead of cream. I think that mascarpone made in Wisconsin is relatively easy to find and Paz, you should be able to get some imported one as well in NYC.


Thanks, Simona! I'll look for it.


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