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May 24, 2007


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So glad I was able to inspire! :))


No meatballs in your Spaghetti-you should try this sometime!


Oh, wow! What a wonderful dedication. I'm going to look for the movie you've mentioned above. I love good food movies. ;-)


Simona Carini

Thanks Paz. What I like about the movie is that the Italian characters are so true I was moved to tears, especially in the last scene, when one of the brothers makes a frittata.


My mother also used to make polpette. So good. And -- Big Night! Yes! We watch it somewhat frequently on DVD, because who can get enough? That last scene is unusual in American movies (what, no dialogue??) and wonderful.

Simona Carini

You are so right! The silence is kid of the main character of that scene. The gestures are also fascinating: breaking the eggs, beating them with a fork, slicing bread, etc. Thanks for visiting: my husband grew up in Chicago, so I have a connection with Illinois.

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