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May 22, 2007


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Fun and informative blog Simona! Good for you and welcome to the blogosphere.
Thanks for the link. I'll do likewise.

Val D

Growing up in a food-o-centric Italian-American family (is there any other?), I have always been curious about the source of our food traditions, i.e. how real Italians cook at home, and how that compares to the Italian-American version I know so well. I am thrilled that you are going public with your inside view. There are so many little things I wonder about that don't appear in the usual books on Italian cooking. Are you open to questions from your readers yet?

Simona Carini

Thanks Val for your comment. I am definitely open to questions and to suggestions for words or expressions to feature in the blog. There is a section on the right panel called Suggest Words that I put there specifically to elicit such questions.

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briciole di italiano

  • The words and images on this blog are small fragments (briciole | brɪCHōle ) I let fall to entice you to follow me, a peripatetic food storyteller.

    Contact: simosite AT mac DOT com
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