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May 23, 2007


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Buongiorno! How exciting to visit your site! I have been spending a great deal of time in IT and need all the help I can get with the language! Sometimes I have been known to use a bit of bread to help! Ciao~

Simona Carini

Ciao Jann and thanks for visiting my blog: I am glad you like it.
Seeing you using a piece of bread to help, my father would say "Brava!"


Really enjoyed your writing about polenta and gnocchi!
And I like your treatment of idiosyncratic and opinionated dictionary of Italian words related to food! A fun way to write in family, science, history and whatever but I guess that's the idiosyncratic part!


Hello! Welcome to the food blogging world! I came here from Christine's blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Paz (who plans on "fare la scarpetta" except a formal dinners from now on)

anna maria

Che buona la scarpetta!
Benvenuta Simona. I found you through Christine Cooks and will visit often.

Simona Carini

Ciao Anna Maria.
I browsed your site and love the drawing on the home page. Thanks for visiting: I hope you come again.

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briciole di italiano

  • The words and images on this blog are small fragments (briciole | brɪCHōle ) I let fall to entice you to follow me, a peripatetic food storyteller.

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